Facial treatments

Cavitation peeling

Is performed using a device that emits ultrasonic vibrations. When these vibrations are directed onto wet skin, they create a cavitation effect. Water sprayed on the skin forms tiny bubbles filled with gas, which then burst due to the ultrasonic vibrations. This process effectively breaks down dead cells, revealing a fresh layer of skin that is free from excess bacteria, sebum, and toxins.


Benefits and effects of cavitation peeling include:

– Safe and painless treatment with no side effects
– Suitable for all skin types
– Removal of sebum, dead skin cells, and blackheads
– Improvement in the appearance of scars
– Skin regeneration and deep exfoliation
– Unclogging of pores
– Enhanced microcirculation
– Evening out of skin tone
– Stimulation of collagen production


Is a minimally invasive procedure designed to rejuvenate and improve the overall tone and texture of the skin. It is an effective treatment for various skin concerns caused by factors like sun exposure, wrinkles, acne, and other conditions. Microdermabrasion is generally considered safe for most skin types and colors. Many individuals opt for this procedure to address the following skin concerns:


– Fine lines and wrinkles
– Hyperpigmentation, including age spots and brown spots
– Enlarged pores and blackheads
– Acne and acne scars
– Stretch marks
– Dull-looking skin complexion
– Uneven skin tone and texture
– Melasma
– Sun damage


By removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, microdermabrasion promotes the growth of new skin cells and enhances the skin’s overall appearance. It can help achieve a smoother, more radiant complexion.


Is a minimally-invasive, non-surgical skin rejuvenation technique that utilizes a dermapen micro needling device. This automated medical device contains multiple fine needles that create microchannels in the skin, promoting increased circulation and natural collagen production in the treated area. The newly generated collagen provides added support to the skin, resulting in improved overall health and quality. The benefits of dermapen micro needling treatment include skin tightening, scar improvement, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, and enhanced absorption of topical skin care products.


Benefits of Micro-needling:

– Stimulates collagen production
– Suitable for most skin types
– Treats fine lines
– Improves skin texture
– Reduces the appearance of large pores
– Enhances the effects of topical skin care products
– Stimulates circulation
– Improves overall skin health

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